Dr. Aris Moussoulides
Contact: Dr. Aris Moussoulides Email
Education: |
Doctor of professional studies (Dprof) in Hotel and Tourism Management at Middlesex University, |
London, Uk. |
Thesis title: “The impact of seasonality on service quality in beach hotels: The case of the Palm Beach |
hotel and bungalows”. |
Master of Science (M.Sc) in Hotel Administration from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Uk. |
Thesis title: “The shortage of labour in the Cypriot hotel industry”. |
Books: | |
Co-author in the following eight chapters of the book (2017) “Oceans of Tomorrow Vol. I”, | |
Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland: | |
1. | Koundouri, P., Airoldi, L., Boon, A., Giannouli, A., Levantis, L., Moussoulides, A., Stuiver, M. & Tsani, S. |
(2017) “Introduction to the Mermaid Project” in Oceans of Tomorrow Vol. I, Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Springer | |
International Publishing, Switzerland. | |
2. | Koundouri, P., Tsani, S., Dávila, O., Stithou, M., Babalos, M.,Xepapadeas, A., Anastasiou, I., Antypas, A., |
Kourogenis, N. Moussoulides, A., Mousoulidou, A., Ahrensberg, A., Zanuttigh, B., Zagonari, F., M.A. | |
Lange, M. A , Jimenez, C., Charalambous, E., et al. “Methodology for the Integrated Socio-Economic | |
Assessment of Offshore Platforms” in Oceans of Tomorrow Vol. I, Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Springer International | |
Publishing, Switzerland. | |
3. | Ahrensberg, N., Bas, B., Elginoz, I., Giannakis, E., Giannouli, A.,Koundouri, P., Mohlenberg, F., |
Moussoulides, A., Petersen, O., Tsani, S., Xepapadeas, P. & Xepapadeas, T. (2017). “Socio – economic | |
Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Baltic Sea” in Oceans of Tomorrow Vol. I, Koundouri, P. | |
(Ed.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland | |
4. | Soderqvist, T. Bas, B., de Bel, M., Boon, A., Elginoz, I., Garção,R., Giannakis, E., Giannouli, A., Koundouri, |
P. , Moussoulides, A. , Norrman, J., Rosén, L., Schouten, J., Tsani, S., Xepapadeas, P. & & Xepapadeas, | |
T. (2017). “Socio-economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the North Sea” in Oceans of | |
Tomorrow Vol.I, Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. | |
5. | Simal, P., D., Ortega, S., T., Baş, B., Elginoz, N., Garcia, R.,del Jesus, F., Giannakis, E., Giannouli, A., |
Koundouri, A., Moussoulides, A., Tsani, S., Xepapadeas, P. & Xepapadeas, P. (2017). “Socio-economic | |
Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Atlantic Coast” in Oceans of Tomorrow Vol. I, Koundouri, | |
P. (Ed.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. | |
6. | Koundouri, P., Giannouli, A., Airoldi, L., Bas, B., Broszeit, S.,Elginoz, N., Giannakis, E. ,Zagonari, F., Kontira, |
Y., Moussoulides, A., Tsani, S., Troianos, D., Xepapadeas, P.,Xepapadeas, T. & Zanuttigh, B. (2017). | |
“Socio economic Analysis of a Selected Multi-use Offshore Site in the Mediterranean” in Oceans of | |
Tomorrow Vol.I, Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. | |
7. | Xepapadeas, P., Giannouli, A., Koundouri, P., Moussoulides, A.,Tsani, S. & Xepapadeas, T. (2017). “Risk |
Analysis of the Selected Final Mermaid Designs” in Oceans of Tomorrow Vol. I, Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Springer | |
International Publishing, Switzerland. | |
8. | Koundouri, P., Giannouli, A., Giannakis, E. , Levantis, L.,Moussoulides, A. & Tsani, S. (2017). “Conclusions |
and Recommendations” in Oceans of Tomorrow Vol.I, Koundouri, P. (Ed.), Springer International Publishing, | |
Switzerland. |
Koundouri, P., Papandreou, N. Stithou, M., Mousoulides, A., Anastasiou, Y., Mousoulidou, M., Antypas, A., |
Mavrogiorgis, T., Vasiliou, K., Introducing the Case Study:The Asopos River Basin in Greece. In Koundouri, P., |
and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor), 2013. “Water Resources Management Sustaining |
socio-economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River |
Basin in Greece”. Springer |
Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy, Series. ISBN: 978-94-007-7635-7 (Print) |
(Online) (181 pages) Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare |
Publications: | |
1. | Moussoulides, A. (2017) “Negative and positive effects of seasonality in Tourism”, The Larnaca College |
Review, Vol. 1, Summer 2017. | |
2. | Koundouri,P. O.G. Dávila, M. Stithou, A. Xepapadeas, I. Anastasiou, A. Antypas, N. Kourogenis, A. |
Mousoulides, M. Mousoulidou, N. Ahrensberg, B. Zanuttigh, F. Zagonari, M.A. Lange, C. Jimenez, M. | |
Charalambous, L. Rosen, A. Lindhe, J. Norrman, T. Norberg, T. Söderqvist, A. Pedersen, D. Troianos, A. | |
Frentzos, Y. Krontira, I.J. Losada, P. Diaz-Simal, R. Guanche, M. de Bel, W. He, S. Kabdasli, N Elginöz, E. | |
Oguz, T. Bagci, B. Bas, M. Cantu‟, M. Masotti, R. Suffredini and M. Stuiver. “Methodology for Integrated | |
Socio-Economic Assessmentof Offshore Platforms: Towards Facilitation of the Implementation of the Marine | |
Strategy Framework Directive”. Special Issue “Sustainable Management of Marine Resources under | |
Uncertainty: Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects”, Sustainability. Forthcoming (2015). | |
Special Issue “Sustainable Management of Marine Resources under Uncertainty: Economic, Environmental and Social Aspects” | |
3. | Koundouri, P., Davila, O., Stithou, M., Babalos, V., Xepapadeas, A.,Anastasiou, I., Antypas, Kourogenis, |
N., Mousoulides, A. Mousoulidou, M., Ahrensberg, N., Zanuttigh, B., Zagonari, F., Lange, M., | |
Jimenez, C., Charalambous, E., Rosen, L., Lindhe, A., Norrman, J.,Norberg, T., Soderqvist, T.,Pedersen, | |
A., Troianos, D., Frentzos, A.,Krontira, Y., Losada, I., Diaz-Simal, P., Guanche, R., de Bel, M., He, W., | |
Kabdasli, S., Elginoz, N., Oguz, E., Bagci, T., Bas, B., Cantuâ, M., Masotti,M., Suffredini, R. and Stuiver, M., | |
2013 “Methodology for Integrated SocioEconomic assessment of Offshore Platforms: Towards Facilitation | |
of the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive”. In Koundouri,P. (eds) Innovative Multi | |
Purpose Offshore Platforms: Economic Engineering and Ecological Perspectives. Springer Publishing. | |
4 | Koundouri, P., Papandreou, N. Stithou, M., Mousoulides, A., Anastasiou, Y. Mousoulidou, M., Antypas, A., |
Mavrogiorgis, T., Vasiliou, K., Introducing the Case 147 Study: The Asopos River Basin in Greece. In | |
Koundouri, P., and N. Papandreou (editors); M. Stithou (assistant editor), 2012. “Water Resources | |
Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The Implementation of the European Water Framework | |
Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece”. Springer Publishing, Global Issues in Water Policy, Series. |
Articles in Handbooks: | |
Koundouri, P., Bambalos, V., Stithou, M., Mousoulidou, M., Mousoulides, A. Anastasiou, I., Vasiliou, K. | |
1. | A Micro-Econometric Approach to Deriving Use and Non-Use Values of in-situ Groundwater. The Vosvozis |
Case Study, Greece. In, The Handbook on Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services’, (2014) | |
edited by P. A. Nunes, P. Kumar and T. Dedeurwaerdere, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK. | |
The official online ebook version will be: Handbook on the Economics of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity |
Working Papers and Papers Submitted in Refereed Journals: |
Downloadable from DIEES Working Papers Series: DIEES |
Koundouri, P., O.G. Dávila, M. Stithou, V. Babalos, A. Xepapadeas, I. Anastasiou, A. Antypas, N. | |
Kourogenis, A. Mousoulides, M. Mousoulidou, N. Ahrensberg, B. Zanuttigh, F.Zagonari, M.A Lange, C. | |
Jimenez, E. Charalambous, L. Rosen, A. Lindhe, J. Norrman,T. Norberg, T. Söderqvist A. A. Frentzos, Y. | |
Krontira, I J. Losada, P. Diaz-Simal, R. Guanche, M. de Bel, W. He, S. Kabdasli, N. Elginöz, E. Oguz, T. | |
Bagci, B. Bas, M. Cantu , M. Masotti, R. Suffredini and M. Stuiver. (2014) Methodology for Integrated | |
Socio-Economic Assessment of Offshore Platforms: Towards Facilitation of the Implementation of the | |
Marine Strategy Framework Directive. [Abstract] |
Participation in funded project: | |
(2018-today) BRIGAID: BRIdges the GAP for Innovations In Disaster resilience (H2020) | |
Project Website: Brigaid | |
Budget: € 8,813,997.50 | |
BRIGAID BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience (BRIGAID) H2020 Project aims to provide | |
structural, ongoing support for innovations in climate adaptation by developing an innovative mix of methods | |
and tools, that should become a standard for climate adaptation innovations. | |
Project coordinator: Technische Universiteit Delft | |
Funded by: European Commission | |
(2018- today) SIMRA: Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (H2020) | |
Project Website: Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas | |
Budget: € 5,982,000 | |
SIMRA’s overarching objective is to fill the significant knowledge gap in understanding and enhancing social | |
innovation in marginalised rural areas by advancing the state-of-the-art in social innovation and connected | |
governance mechanisms in agriculture and forestry sectors and in rural development in general. | |
Project coordinator: James Hutton Institute | |
Funded By: European Commission | |
(2017-2020) Horizon2020, Openaire-Connect Project | |
Project Website: OpenAIRE-Connect (H2020) | |
Budget: € 1,997,837.50 | |
OpenAIRE- Connect aims to provide technological and social bridges, and deliver services enabling uniform | |
exchange of research artefacts (literature, data, and methods), with semantic links between them, across | |
research communities and content providers in scientific communication. It will introduce and implement the | |
concept of Open Science as a Service (OSaaS) on top of the existing OpenAIRE infrastructure, delivering out- | |
of-the-box, on-demand deployable tools. OpenAIRE-Connect will adopt an end-user driven approach (via the | |
involvement of 5 prominent research communities), and enrich the portfolio of OpenAIRE infrastructure | |
production services with a Research Community Dashboard Service and a Catch-All Notification Broker | |
Service. The first will offer publishing, interlinking, packaging functionalities to enable them to share and re- | |
use their research artifacts (introducing “methods, e.g. data,software, protocols). | |
Project Coordinator: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy | |
Funded By: European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, H2020 | |
Call: H2020-EINFRA-2016-2017 (E-Infrastructures) | |
(2012-2017) MERMAID | |
Project Website: Mermaid Projects | |
Budget: 7.4 million euro. | |
MERMAID – Innovative Multi-purpose Off-shore Platforms: Planning, Design and Operation – aims at | |
developing novel innovative design concepts for offshore platforms to address different physical conditions | |
(from deep water to shallow and inner waters) in order to make the best use of the ocean space. Launched in | |
January 2012, MERMAID gathers 28 partners from 13 countries, under the coordination of Danmarks | |
Tekniske Universitet (Denmark). | |
Project Coordinator: Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. MERMAID PROJECT | |
(2009-2017) GENESIS: Groundwater and dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific basis on climate change | |
and land-use impacts for the update of the EU Groundwater Directive. European Commission, DG Research, | |
7th Framework Programme: Global Change and Ecosystems, (FP7-ENV-2008-1). | |
Budget: 9,170 ,600 euro. | |
Project Coordinator: “Bioforsk – Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research” | |
(2009-2013) THESEUS | |
Funded By: European Union | |
Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate European Commission, DG | |
Research, 7th Framework Programme: Global Change and Ecosystems. | |
Funded By: European Union | |
Creation and Operation of a Pan European platform related to the employment of student Intrenships from | |
selected EU Academic Institutions and monitoring of their activities through that platform |
Reviews: | |
Reviewer of the paper that was entitled “MULTISKILLING IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY IN | |
SOUTH AFRICA AND ADJACENT COUNTRIES” which was presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the | |
EuroMed Academy of Business in Estoril, Cascais, Portugal, 23rd-24th, September 2013. | |
6th Conference EuroMed 2013 |
Thesis supervisory experience: | |
During my 13 years as a lecturer and head of the department of Hospitality and Tourism Management at | |
Intercollege Larnaca I had the opportunity to act as the sole and main supervisor of many final year (bachelor | |
degree level) projects for various students. |
Extra curricular activities: | |
Member of the core team of the United Nations Sustainable Development Network Solutions Greece (SDNS | |
Greece) |