Dr. Georgios Pavlou
Education: |
Doctor of Philosophy, Mass Communication Wayne State University, USA |
Thesis Title: The Chase Scenes of D.W. Griffith |
Master of Arts, Mass Communication: Radio-TV Ball State University, USA Mass Communication, Radio-TV-Film |
Book Publications: |
Pavlou, George. (2018) Suspense and Resolution in the Films of D.W.Griffith. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge |
Scholars, |
ISBN(10):1-5275-1323-8 |
ISBN(10): 978-1-5275-1323-5 |
Books Chapters): |
G.Pavlou, (2010) “D.W. Griffith’s Chases in The White Rose and Isn’t Life Wonderful and their Impact on Film,” |
in ATINER: Advances in Communication and Mass Media Research, ed. Yiorgo Pasadeos, (Athens: ATINER, |
2010), |
ISBN: 978-960-6672-95-8 |
G. Pavlou, (2010) “D.W. Griffith’s Chases in The Sorrows of Satan and their Impact on Film,” in ATINER: |
Advances in Communication and Mass Media Research, ed.Yiorgo Pasadeos, (Athens: ATINER, 2010), |
ISBN: 978-960-6672-95-8 |
G. Pavlou ( 2010)“D.W. Griffith’s Chases in Hearts of the World, Broken Blossoms, Way Down East, and |
Orphans of the Storm and their Impact on Film, in” ATINER: Advances in Communication and Mass Media |
Research, ed. Yiorgo Pasadeos, (Athens: ATINER, 2010), ISBN: 978-960-6672-95-8 |
G. Pavlou, “The Chase Scenes of D.W. Griffith and Their Infuence on Film”. in International Dimensions of Mass |
Media Research, ed. Yorgo Pasadeos, (Athens: ATINER, 2007), pp.643-655 |
Publications (Articles, Monographs, Reviews, etc.): |
Book Review: |
Jakelic, Slavica, ‘Collectivist Religions: Religion, Choice, and Identity in Late Modernity’ International Journal of |
Contemporary Sociology, Vol.51. No.1. April 2014, pp107-108. |
Book review: |
Synnott, Anthony, ‘Rethinking Men: Heroes, Villains and Victims’ International Journal of Contemporary |
Sociology Vol.48. No.1. April 2011, pp151-152. |
Book review: |
Wemyss, George, ‘The Invisible Empire: White Disclosure, Tolerance and Belonging’ International Journal of |
Contemporary Sociology, Vol.47. No.1. April 2010, pp166-167. |
Recent Conference Presentations |
Chaired session’Media Images,’ Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) Conference, Athens |
Greece, May 2017 |
“The Power of D.W. Griffith’s Post-1913 Films and Their Influence on Film Today: Suspense and Resolution in |
Orphans of the Storm,” International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Economics and Education, Bangkok, |
Thailand, 2016 |
“The Power of Griffith’s Post-1913 Films and Their Influence on Film: Suspense and Resolution in The Birth of a |
Nation,” FilmAsia 2015 – The Asian Conference on Film and Documentary of The International Academic Forum |
(IAFOR), Kobe, Japan, 2015 |
“The Influence of D.W.Griffith’s Post-1913 Films on Film Today: Suspense and Resolution in The Birth of a |
Nation,” Reimagining American History in Film and Media Conference at Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, |
2015 |
“Suspense and Resolution in the Post-1913 Chase Scenes of D.W.Griffith: Intolerance,” Film and Media 2014: The |
Fourth Annual London Studies Conference, London, 2014 |
“The Influence of D.W. Griffith’s Post-1913 Films on Film Today,” The Inaugural Asian Conference on Film and |
Documentary of The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) FilmAsia2012, Osaka, Japan, 2013 |
“Suspense and Resolution in the Post-1913 Chase Scenes of D.W. Griffith: Abraham Lincoln,” FILM AND MEDIA |
2012: The Second Annual London Film and Media Conference, London, 2012 |
“Suspense and Resolution in the Post-1913 Chase Scenes of D.W. Griffith,” Film and Media 2011 – The First |
Annual London Film and Media Conference, London, 2011 |
“D.W. Griffith’s Chases in The Sorrows of Satan and Their Impact on Film,” Athens Institute for Education and |
Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, May 2010 |
‘D.W.Griffith’s Chases in “The White Rose” and “Isn’t Life Wonderful” and Their Impact on Film,’ Athens Institute for |
Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, May 2009 |
‘D.W.Griffith’s Chase Scenes in “Hearts of the World”, “Broken Blossoms”, “Way Down East”, and “Orphans of the |
Storm” and Their Impact on Film,” Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), Athens, Greece, May |
2008 |
The Chase Scenes of D.W. Griffith and Their Influence on Film’, Athens Institute for Education and Research |
(ATINER), Athens, Greece, May 2007 |
‘Freedom of Movement, Media, Intercultural Effects.’ A paper presented at the Cyprus Academic Forum (CAF) |
“Past, Present, Future” Conference in Nicosia (18-19 November, 2005). |
‘Understanding the Elements and Dynamics of Broadcasting as Mass Communication.’ A paper presented at the |
seminar Radio and Television Advertising. Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation, Nicosia, Cyprus, November 1992. |
‘Mass Communication and Audiovisual Media.’ A paper presented at a seminar organized by ELKEPA (Greek |
Productivity Center), Athens, Greece, 1989. |
Recent Invited Talks, Seminars & Colloquia |
Intercultural Communication Overview; Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Intercultural Communication; |
Understanding and Improving Interpersonal Relationships’ Lectured at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, |
Spain, as an ERASMUS teacher, May 2016 |
Intercultural Communication; Adapting to Culture; Intercultural Communication and Conflict; Mass Media as a |
Source of Influence on Intercultural Communication’ Lectured at Haute Ecole EPHEC, Brussels, Belgium as an |
ERASMUS teacher, 2014 |
‘Visuality, The Power of Moving Pictures; The Power of Moving Pictures and D.W. Griffith’s Influence on Moving |
Pictures’Lectured at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, as a Guest Lecturer, April 2013 |
‘Interpersonal Communication; Intercultural Communication’ Lectured at Haute Ecole EPHEC, Brussels, Belgium |
as an ERASMUS teacher, March 2010 |
‘Overview to Intercultural Communication’ Lectured at the ‘Packaging and Sustainable Development’ Conference at |
Haute Ecole EPHEC, Marketing Department Louvain-le-Neuve, Brussels, Belgium, March 2010 |
‘Human Communication: What and Why; Culture and Mass Communication: How They React; Mass Media, Mass |
Culture; The News Media; Understanding Interpersonal Relationships’ Lectured at the University of Madrid, Spain |
as an ERASMUS teacher, February 2009 |
‘Communication Skills,’ Multicultural Youth Camp Trainings in Cyprus by the International Child Development |
Initiatives (ICDI) and the UNDP-ACT, Nicosia, Cyprus, April 11-13, 2008 |
‘Human Communication; Interpersonal Relationships; Mass Media and Mass Culture; The News Media’ |
Lectured at Lisbon School of Accountancy and Administration (ISCAL) in Lisbon, Portugal as an ERASMUS |
teacher, February 25-29, 2008 |
‘Introduction to Multiculturalism,’ Multicultural Youth Camp Trainings in Cyprus by the International Child |
Development Initiatives (ICDI) and the UNDP-ACT, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 6-8, 2007 |
‘Communication Skills,’ Multicultural Youth Camp Trainings in Cyprus by the International Child Development |
Initiatives (ICDI) and the UNDP-ACT, Nicosia, Cyprus, July 6-8, 2007 |
Was invited by Astra Radio Station to participate in a radio program on how the media in Cyprus handles the news. |
Nicosia, 2000. |
Was invited to participate in a seminar on Radio and Television Advertising organized by the Cyprus Broadcasting |
Corporation, Nicosia, Cyprus, November 1992. |
Was invited to participate in a seminar on Mass Media organized by ELKEPA (Greek Productivity Center), Athens, |
Greece, 1989. |